COVID-19 Tool Kit by PNES

For any enquiry with respect to COVID-19, you may kindly contact the helpline (24×7) that has been initiated by Indian Medical Association.
The numbers are:
+91 9999672238
+91 9999672239

Important Links and Contacts:

  1. Check for the availability of beds in
  2. Remdesivir injection @ Rs.899/- as against Rs.4000/- charged by medical shops.
  3. Purchase Remdesivir injection directly from Cipla Website or Call +91 8657311088.
  4. For e-pass during Night Curfew
  5. For Vaccination registration
  6. For Plasma Request
  7. Find Health Services closer to you on Map
  8. India-wide Covid-19 Resources
  9. Verified Oxygen Providers in Delhi:
  10. Clinical Guidance by AIIMS for Management of COVID-19.
  11. Not-for-Profit initiatives:
      • Dhoondh: Connects COVID patients to plasma donors across India
      • Hemkunt Foundation: Distributes oxygen Cylinders to the patients in dire need.
      • Khaana Chahiye: Initiative to fight hunger powered by the cities of Mumbai and Thane.
  12. Radio City Plasma Helpline: +91 8454911911

Understand the effects of New Strain of Corona

Does every patient need Oxygen in this Covid Emergency?

Understand Oxygen Emergency due to Covid-19

Homemade ICU for Covid-19 Patients

For the benefit of CoVid-19 patients, here is an extremely effective way to keep Oxygen saturation level high:

I tested positive on 9th April and was brought to AIIMS on 12th April. The same evening, my Oxygen level started going down and was in the lower 80’s. Here, junior doctors immediately put me on Oxygen support.

Meanwhile, Dr Guleria, Dr Neeraj and other seniors came into the picture. Dr Guleria said that my body at that stage doesn’t require Oxygen support. In fact, he got tubes removed. He explained to me in the most effective way that I have the capacity, I have the strength and I have to work hard for this requisite Oxygen. Plz, don’t go for the easy option. Work for it. And he made me lie down on my chest facing downward and asked me to start deep breathing. This from the best ‘pulmonologist’ in the country.

Within a few minutes, my Oxygen level started improving and in the next couple of hours, my Oxygen level got stabilized around 96/ 97%.

Since then they are continuously asking me to lie down on my chest/ stomach and try to sleep in this manner only. In these 5 days, whenever the Oxygen level goes down, I immediately lie down on my chest and start deep breathing. Extremely effective. I will use the word ‘life-saving’ and that’s why sharing it for larger benefit esp in such a challenging time…

Second point, what Dr Guleria, Dr Neeraj and others taught me. Don’t give up easily, don’t opt for easy options/ support. Let’s our body work for it. To tackle this virus in severe cases, at the family/individual level, one needs an ‘extremely strong mind.’ So, let’s go for a deep breathing exercise while lying on the chest with a downward face. May kindly like to consider it.

Warm regards & best wishes –
Bharat Lal, Additional Secretary Drinking Water and Sanitation who is recovering from Covid in AIIMS

List of doctors, & their contact details, with whom you can consult for free on the phone:

For telephonic guidance on COVID-19

–  from 8 am to 12 noon –
Dr Tushar Shah. 9321469911
Dr M Bhatt. 9320407074
Dr D Doshi. 9820237951
Dr D Rathod. 8879148679
Dr R Gwalani. 8779835257
Dr D Kansara. 8369846412

–  from 12 to 4 pm –
Dr G Kamath. 9136575405
Dr S Manglik. 9820222384
Dr J Jain. 7021092685
Dr A Thakkar. 9321470745
Dr L Bhagat. 9820732570
Dr N Shah. 9821140656
Dr S Phanse. 8779328220
Dr J Shah. 9869031354

For telephonic guidance on Covid-19

–  from 8 to 11 pm –
Dr N Kumar. 8104605550
Dr P Bhargav. 9833887603
Dr R Chauhan. 9892135010
Dr B Kharat. 9969471815
Dr S Dhulekar. 9892139027
Dr S Pandit. 9422473277

Disclaimer: While we have tried our best to add verified sources of information, we do not claim any ownership of this data. Further, PNES is not responsible for any information presented on the links provided.

We are continuously adding reliable and trusted resources as we research. 

Stay Safe and Wear Mask.